Our son Lucas is the center of our world. He has a brother and a sister and two loving parents. He also has autism and an intellectual disability and is non- verbal. He loved the routine and activities of being in school but now that he has aged out of the school system, he and his family are experiencing “the falling off the cliff experience” that all persons aging out of school face.
He is now at home with nothing to do on a regular basis. His parents and siblings do their absolute best to provide community outings and activities to fill his days but they all four have to work as well to provide for the family and save for Lucas’ lifetime care with supports. It’s very different from having to figure out a few years of expenses and support for an elderly parent who usually have a home to sell and money they have made to help pay for their care.
With an adult child like Lucas, his parents must be able to provide this level of support for at least 50 years or longer! This takes planning and preparation and finding the right type of housing and possible employment and coordinating transportation and job support and life skills support and help with getting meals and bathing and the list goes on and on.
Lucas’ parents have found the answer in Vanguard Landing where Lucas can have a full life of activities, employment or volunteer opportunities, contributing education and training, social activities, meals, medical support and safe and reliable transportation. He will still be a member of his family but will have his own life and place to live like everyone else. Vanguard Landing will provide the supports Lucas needs to survive and thrive while continuously building upon his skills to do for himself in whatever ways he is able
One in 68 babies are being born with autism and many of those also have an intellectual disability. We are all one step away from a family member, a friend whose child or sibling has ID/DD or a future grandchild or niece or nephew that will need what Vanguard offers. Even a car accident can sometimes cause a traumatic brain injury for a young person who will need this type of well planned and organized Intentional Community!
Lucas’ days seem to stretch into long periods of down time right now and his parents while trying their best, seek a place where he can be happy and fulfilled now that he’s an adult and that can continue when they pass away. They want the peace of mind that he is happy and well cared for and supported Long before they die. Once Vanguard Landing is built, it will be sustainable but we must get built quickly for all the people who are wanting what this program offers and are willing to pay for! Doesn’t Lucas deserve opportunities for a full life too? He did nothing wrong, has committed no crime – he just was born with the need for support.
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