
Thank You For Your Interest in Vanguard Landing

Vanguard Landing is an exciting new option as a planned community in Virginia Beach, VA for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Vanguard Landing was created to fulfill a huge need for opportunities to support the physical, emotional, social, vocational and residential needs and goals of our exceptional fellow citizens.

There are several steps to our Admissions Process. If you have questions throughout the process, please contact Laure Haddock, Admissions Director at or Debra B. Dear, Founder & Executive Director at

#1: Request the Admissions Packet & the Financial Fact Finder: To Request an admissions packet, please click complete the request form on the right side of this page. The form links will be shown and you can click to download or request it be mailed to you.

#2: Send us your completed application and be sure include all attachments and documents on the checklist prior to packaging and sending to Vanguard Landing. *We cannot complete any part of the review without all documentation.*

Vanguard Landing, Inc.
Attn: Admissions
2133 Upton Drive
Suite 125 Box 272
Virginia Beach, VA 23454

#3: You will receive a mailed postcard confirming we have received your packet and if there are any missing pieces, you will be notified quickly.

The Admissions committee conducts a thorough review and study of the information provided, determines the placement availability and suitability of each applicant and will notify you of the next step in the process. The Admissions committee will work to make sure that Vanguard Landing can meet the candidate’s needs and goals.

The Financial Assessment team determines the readiness to afford the tuition or if further assistance is needed to help. You may choose to secure the services of one of our partners to help you or someone else that you already work with.

THEN: You will be notified of your approval and the next step involves an interview/personal meeting with our Admissions Director, Laure Haddock. 

Vanguard Landing utilizes our own Abilities Assessment Scales paired with potential candidate and family participation to create each person-­centered plan called the VIP. VIP stands for Vanguard Individualized Plan for each Very Important Person.