Vanguard Landing is so proud and empowered to be a part of the Coalition for Community Choice which is a national grassroots alliance of individuals with disabilities, their families and friends, disability rights advocates, professionals, educators, and housing and service providers. This dynamic group aims to advance policy that INCREASE OPTIONS AND DECREASE BARRIERS to housing and employment choices for those with intellectual/developmental disabilities.
The Principles of The CFCC are directly aligned with the mission of Vanguard Landing and ALL of our sister Intentional communities, such as Marbridge, Baddour and Lambs Farm around the country:
- Supports and life opportunities for individuals with disabilities should be person-centered and based on their individually defined preferred settings, support needs, and meaningful life goals.
- Quality of support services should be based on the feedback, culture, and personal experiences from individuals being supported, their families and caregivers, rather than specific physical characteristics of a setting.
- Individuals with disabilities have the human and civil right to choose from the broadest range of home, workplace, and community supports and settings. Policy should increase options and decrease barriers in affordable and accessible housing, meaningful work opportunities, and direct support service providers.
- The development of home, community, and work opportunities should be driven by those who are and will be receiving support services in those settings.
Vanguard Landing will fulfill a huge need and want as an exciting new option for those with Intellectual and developmental disabilities and the families who adore them. The reality is that the minute any one begins to dictate and decide that only ONE type of option is the only one available to any segment of the population, then it is outright discrimination again!!!! People are different and have different levels of support needs.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, the Advisory Board Members representing every field, our Design and Construction Team, our dedicated staff and VANTEERS, and our future participants (many of whom are already on the Waiting List) I welcome each and every one reading this to come along on this amazing journey with us as we create VANGUARD LANDING…”Where Exceptional People Will Live Extraordinary Lives!!!
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